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About the project
The Frankston to Mornington Parklands Project created a Future Directions Plan to identify opportunities to connect existing parks and reserves, from Seaford to Mount Martha on the Mornington Peninsula on Bunurong Country.
The Future Directions Plan also identifies opportunities to improve physical, cultural and ecological connections along the existing Peninsula Link Trail.

What is the goal of the Future Directions Plan?
The Plan identifies a potential trail to link existing parks between Seaford Wetlands and Mount Martha on the Mornington Peninsula.
The Future Directions Plan highlights the importance of connecting open spaces at local and regional levels to enhance opportunities for communities to have immersive experiences in and between parklands and provides a roadmap to creating the links.
Frankston to Mornington Parklands

When can I visit the parklands?
The Future Directions Plan provides a course of action to link existing parks and reserves which are open for the public to enjoy now.
Implementation of the Frankston to Mornington Future Directions Plan is subject to further funding and extensive planning and consultation.
Government commitment to create a ring of parkland around Melbourne
November 2018
Cultural values study completed by Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation
Completed Mid 2022
Community consultation
Completed May – June 2022
Future Directions Plan
Completed late 2022
More information
For a factsheet, contact the Suburban Parks Program team.
Page last updated: 03/09/24