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[Cam McDonald - Forest Management and Roading Officer - Upper Murray]
Here we are the rebuild of Wheelers Creek Hut. Hard to believe we're here three years ago promoting the works that DELWP and High Country Huts had just done in renovating huts.
I just love the bush, love being out and love the reaction you get when you come to campsites and talk to people and tell them that it's our brand and we're the ones doing the work and the feedback is great.
Unfortunately, 4 months later the 19/20 fires happened and unfortunately we lost all 3 of them not long after we done all the works to make them look fantastic again.
While we're fighting fires down on the Shelley-Walwa Road in the back of my mind, I did why wonder what Huts were like and would they survive, how would they go?
The way the fire moved and it's rate of spread fast I don't think anything we could have done would have saved the huts. I think the ferocity the fire was just too great.
I was devastated when I got the photos through, and I was devastated because we did so much work on the Shelley-Walwa Road and helping communities.
It took me 4 months to get in and see it myself on the ground.
[On-screen text: Local contractors have been engaged to rebuild all three hits in the Upper Murray]
Part of the the economic stimulus of the funding was to use locals or try to use locals much we can which we like to think we've supported and done well.
They've been awesome to work with every contractor just can't do enough to help us and want to be involved in what we've got to offer so, as a collective for department and contractors and the public it's been fantastic and the feedback we've already seen from Pinnibar Gibsons (hut rebuild) it's awesome.
It's great to see what we've done for the last 2 years in the project coming together now with so many groups involved and people involved in it.
[On-screen text: The project team wish to acknowledge and thank everyone for their contribution to the rebuild project]
Page last updated: 31/07/24